Clean Your Touch Screen

Now more than ever your touch screens should be properly cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis.

Improper cleaning can lead to scratches and spread of infection.

Fortunately, modern PCT screens are made for easy cleaning and less likely to scratch. Older screens are more prone to scratching and not as resistant to liquids.

  1. 1
    Power off the system.
  2. 2
    Moisten soft, lint free or micro-fiber cloth with cleaning solution*.
  3. 3
    Wipe in circular motion.
  4. 4
    Use soft, lint free or micro-fiber cloth to dry the screen.

* Use cleaning solution with 40-70% alcohol OR mix 1/3 cup bleach with 1 gallon of water.

Everyone knows quantity breaks are an easy way to boost sales, but did you know…

1 A small (5%) discount is often enough. .98 each, 2 for 1.79 often sells as much product as .98  each, 2 for 1.49, and assuming a 40% margin you make almost double the profit.

Acme makes this extremely easy by allowing you to enter each or extended price during item setup. Always start by entering the same price each for all quantity price breaks. Then reduce the extended prices, but only to the next lower price point to maximize profits!

2 Discount and amount saved almost never matter. Quantity and price points always matter. The quantity must be logical / desirable and the quantity break price must be “retail round”, in other words, just less than 1, 5, 10 dollars, etc..

3 The best quantity discounts should increase sales and NOT reward existing behavior. This tip is more about when NOT to use quantity discounts…

A punch card for buy 5 cups of coffee and get the 6th one free is not very effective, because all it does is reward existing behavior. Buy 5 cups of coffee and get a free doughnut is better, but the occasional “free doughnut day” may be the best of all. The goal is to get coffee buyers introduced to high margin doughnuts.

Expand your store's reach with mobile friendly website, truly wired NeXus loyalty programs, company email and your choice of social media connectors.

Let's break this down...

A real website for your store

  • Showcase specials, unique products and departments.
  • Drive shoppers into your store(s), literally, via moving map.
  • Register customer loyalty cards and enable drip marketing.
  • Connect shoppers to your social media platforms.
  • Share your wisdom and what makes your store special. 

A Facebook page is not a real website. Facebook has its place (see below) but with the platform losing respect (and millions of users per year) do you really want all your eggs in that basket?

Wired NeXus Loyalty Programs

  • Simply scan a loyalty card to add a customer into Acme.
  • The customer visits your website to register and opt in to added benefits.
  • You build an email marketing list and ability to personalize every message you send.
  • Send professional looking, compliant "auto-responder", scheduled and drip emails that are are easy to design.
  • Now your marketing can talk to individual customers about exactly what they have and have not bought, and their specific interests. This reduces and may eliminate the need to use discounts to drive sales.

Acme Bar Code Detective

  • We include an Acme Bar Code Detective Info and Thumbs subscription, along with background integration into Acme.  We have over 21 million items in our list and add or about about 40,000 every day!
  • You may never have to type another item description or look up an item image again!

Social Media Connectors

  • Some of your customers are still on social media and they are LOOKING for things to like. This is your way to advertise on social media without giving them a dime!
  • Connecting your web content to your social media makes it easy for them to share your passion.
Social Media Connectors

Check out some of theses features on our one of our sample sites.

Check out more demo sites on our themes page.

Print signs like these from your smartphone and do so much more!

Print signs from your smart phone!

One of my favorite things to do as a store owner was to spin around the sales floor and find ideas that make money. With a passion for the products plus a little imagination it can be very rewarding and now the Acme Mobile Staff App makes it fast and fun.

Rewarding, fast and fun. that's a win-win-win.

Walking the floor is the single best way to find items that deserve a tweak. 

  • Change the List Price and immediately print a new shelf label or sign. Perspective is different when you can SEE the neighboring items.
  • Add a quantity break. Why not? Acme handles the pricing so your clerks don't have additional sorting or work to do at the point of sale, then the app prints the signs and label you need with just a tap!
  • Schedule date driven sales. "Sales" give your customers a sense of urgency and feeling of extra reward, when they are making buying decisions.
  • Put on item on TPR. -To much stock, or your sale did not sell through as expected? Put the item on Temporary Price Reduction (TPR) and when you reach acceptable stock levels, move the item back to regular pricing.
  • Add an item to a Mix & Match price group.

The Acme Mobile Staff app will help you do all that, and more...

  • Review items to see which ones have thumbnail, custom or no image attached.
  • Works seamlessly the Acme Bar Code Detective to source item information and thumbnail images.
  • Print signs, as seen at the top of the page or shelf edge labels like these:
  • Use any Windows label and / or page printer.
  • Add new items (or change existing ones) "on the fly". This is great when a salesman shows up with new items. Scan the ones you like and boom... -no more regrets when the truck shows up and the items are not in the system.
  • Count inventory, check your entire store, more accurately and in a fraction of the time it used to take.

As you can see, it's extremely useful even if you maintain your items in a host accounting system, you could use the app for "Acme only" pricing  that your host cannot handle on it's own, printing signs and labels and checking prices and on hand levels...

We have a lot of other cool features planned for the near future. If there is something you'd like to see added, drop us a line, other than walking the sales floor, it's how we get our best ideas.

Oh ya, I almost forgot...

The mobile app compliments our full blown desktop app, it does not replace it. You can compare the capabilities of the mobile app to our batch scanner apps.

You can run the app on...

  1. Mobile phone, using camera or a companion Bluetooth barcode scanner.
  2. Dedicated mobile device with built in laser scanner.
  3. Tablet or desktop computer with built in or companion scanner.

You can try it FREE...

Rubber dog boots and the art of retail.

Refund Policy

Peter takes a keystone markup on dog boots in his store. At $11.95 they are a hard sell and when the dog won’t keep them on their feet unhappy customers bring them back. He tosses a coin to decide if he should stop selling boots or stop accepting boot returns, even though either choice kills sales. He considers a new return policy, and stops taking returns:

“No Refunds”

Scott starts out the same as Peter, but upon seeing the rate of returns he drops the price, gives the boots better shelf space and a nice sign:

“Your pooch approves or your money back.”

At the annual trade show, Scott thanks the boot manufacturer for putting his product in sturdy packaging. He doesn’t tell the manufacturer he often sells the same pair more than once.

Scott's customers are happy with the easy return policy and Scott is more than happy. He knows his average sale is just over $24, and this is about $5 more than the industry average. He knows this customer is likely to spend more than he returns. Scott likes it when customers come back, even with a return, because it gives him another chance to make a sale. Graciously accepting returns is an inexpensive way to get customers into the store (twice) and it generates a lot of good will.

Retailing is easier and a lot more fun when you have the right data.

Does your return policy grow your sales?
And on a related note, do you think there are still only two rules in retail?

Start a conversation in YOUR breakroom.

The Two Rules of Retail

  1. The customer is always right.
  2. When the customer isn't right, see rule #1.

Some people say the two rules of retail are no longer true. In their attempt to be edgy, they list all kinds of reasons. -I just read a Huffington Post article that cited these...

  1. It makes employees unhappy.
  2. If gives abrasive customers an unfair advantage.
  3. Some customers are bad for business.

The problem with that kind of logic is it gets derailed when it smacks into reality and gets side swiped by two step thinking...

Once a customer is no longer right (in their) mind, they cease to be a customer.

In today's society, some adults still expect ribbons just for participating. Hopefully they outgrow that notion before they get on your payroll... -If not, use this poster to start a conversation.

We believe the "two rules" should apply in vendor relationships too. That's one reason we include truly unlimited tech support and training with all Acme subscriptions. You'll see the difference it will make in your business when you get started free.